TUA Constitution
Our Vision
To create the perfect school where children leave glowing from the inside, rich with curiosity for truths, seeking to be of service, and aware of the lifelong journey of exploration and growth ahead of them in service of humanity.
Our Values
We believe that values of the people we are surrounded by are of much greater impact than the content of the text books. The Uluwatu Academy faculty and live according to principles of integrity, discipline, service and humility in pursuit of personal growth. We believe in training for mastery of the tools of living great lives, and are ourselves permanent students of the same infinite teachings of life.
Our Mission
To create a supportive learning environment that embodies the principles of humility, service, love, and responsibility. We cultivate an atmosphere that encourages children to discover their sensitivities and power, interests and talents, through evidence and experience based learning and in doing so contributing actively to the well-being of the school community.
To support our mission we created the Uluwatu Academy Constitution. This set of tenents by which students and teachers are guided is intended to communicate and foster a culture of unity, service and spiritual and intellectual sovereignty. As well as keep us all pointing in the same direction.
Core Principles for our School's Constitution
1. Unity
Our students, teachers, and parents work together to create a unified, supportive community. We recognize that the strength of our school lies in our collective effort to nurture every student.
2. Common Welfare
The well-being of our school community comes first. Our approach to learning ensures that each child's individual needs are met without compromising the collective welfare.
3. Inclusiveness
Every child is welcome, regardless of background, belief, or ability. We believe in the inclusion of all children, ensuring that everyone has a place in our community. We look up to no one, nor down on anyone.
4. Autonomy
Teachers and students are given the autonomy to explore creative and effective ways to learn and grow, while respecting the greater good of the entire school, family and community. Within any given class the teacher's authority is final.
5. Purposeful Education
Our primary purpose is to educate each child in the tools they need and inspire a lifetime of learning. We do not deviate from this goal, ensuring a consistent focus on providing the best possible learning experiences for our students with the goal of developing each individual's mental acuity, spiritual curiosity, and unparalleled capacity to think clearly, and discourse usefully.
6. Outside issues stay outside school
We maintain our independence from external organizations, governments, fashions, and religions. Allowing us to focus entirely on today's task at hand. We collaborate with families and community partners without compromising our principles doing only what we can, with what we have, where we are, in the service of those around us.
7. Supporting Community
We encourage responsibility by teaching our students the value of contribution. Our school's founding principle is to help children. We support Balinese children's charities, and provide scholarships as well as other initiatives that provide care and education to those children in need on this beautiful Island. This is a founding principle of the school, but will require consultation and evaluation with parents and faculty and other experienced partners. This constitutes Phase II of the school's development plan.
8. Equitable Education
We are committed to providing a fair and balanced education to every student, without favouritism or bias. Each child is given equal opportunities to learn, thrive, and succeed, and each child is benchmarked only on their progress from yesterday or last week, not their classmates'.
9. Leadership Through Service
Our teachers and administrators lead by example, emphasising the importance of service to others. We believe that true leadership is found in guiding, supporting, and uplifting those around us. Students have service positions, learning new life skills and the real value of service.
10. No Prestige
We do not believe in placing any individual above another nor do we value Awards and recognitions. Positive reinforcement when over applied for example is proven to have detrimental effects on the internal reward mechanism on which personal interests, talents and self esteem are built for a lifetime.
11. Principles Before Personalities
Our school culture emphasises principles of kindness, integrity, and respect over individual personalities. We value character and the actions that reflect our shared values.
12. Anonymity in Service
We teach our students that service is its own reward. Acts of kindness and community contributions are celebrated collectively, without excess focus on individual recognition.